I received the Advanced Reading Copy on Friday. I wasn't impressed with the title and if I saw it on a book shelf I probably wouldn't choose to pick it up. That being said I decided to give the story a chance.
Johnson brings to life the culture of a small mid-western town, interlaced with sibling rivalries & family dynamics in a court room murder mystery.
Kip Czermanski is being held for the murder of her brother-in-law who happens to be her ex-lover in college. She claims her innocence as the DA, who holds a grudge against the family is convinced she is guilty because of her known reputation around town. Kip is known for her feminist views, and anti-war protests.
Johnson brings out the details of the 1970's with flash backs to the 1960's and 1950's.
Kip's father is a leading citizen in town and believes that his influence will get her released quickly from jail. Her father's lawyers prove incompetent, she finds her life and beliefs laid bare before the courtroom along with the family's dark secrets.
Johnson's writing style has been compared with John Grisham. She has a way of grabbing hold of you and not letting go.
I give this book ★★★★☆