They put people out of work (book binders)
I miss the smell of paper
I miss the texture of paper
Author can't sign the book
Can't loan a book to everyone I know
The pros of e-readers are:
Environmentally friendly (saves trees don't use paper)
Light weight
Stores in my book bag (purse)
Can store multiple books on it (an entire library)
If I don't like a book that I'm reading I can easily switch to something else.
I actually read faster
Not all e-readers are the same and they have different features and apps so definitely do your homework. Kobo and Nook use Adobe DRM and can share files. The Nook offers Free Fridays (you can download a selected book for free). My mother recently purchased a Kindle it is very similar to the Nook her complaint was she has to purchase books.
Many libraries offer e-books that can be loaned out for 7 to 21 days. My experience is that most of the books available have a waiting list around 30 others in front of me. If I don't finish the book on time, I can't renew because of the waiting list (others behind me). I then have to put my name back on the list and wait. So don't be sold just because you can check books out on line. What has been your experience with e-readers?